Invoke-virtual, Landroid/util/Log ->d(Ljava/lang/String Ljava/lang/ String )I method + Access Demo + Method Name (Parameter Table) + Return value type
method private varargs priParamsUncertain(Ljava/lang/String [Ljava/lang/String )V // smaliįormat. Private void priParamsUncertain(String str0, String. local uses this specified indicating that the non-parameter register LINE indicates the line number in the source code, similarly, the confusing code may remove the line number. proLogue specifies the beginning of the code, the confusing code may remove the instruction. Parameter instructions for the method using several parameters. PARAM instruction represents a parameter, and there are several. param demonstrates the parameters of the method, each. registers directive specifies the total number of registers in the method, this quantity is the sum of the parameters and local variables. Method prototype describes the name, parameter and return value of the method. #direct methods is a comment, which is Baksmali added, access, and modified keywords are the same.